715-247-5228 | HOURS: 9am-6pm M,W,F | 9am-7pm T,Th | 9am-1pm Sat somersetpl@somersetlibrary.org

Computers and Printing

Wifi symbol on a web tile.

Internet Access

  • WIFI: publiclibrary, no password
  • Public access computers: library card or guest pass required
The library copier


  • 10 cents per side for black & white
  • 25 cents per side for color
  • Can accommodate SD cards & USB drives with PDFs
  • Wireless printing available
  • Fax is 50 cents per side
Princh web tile.

Princh Remote Printing

You can use your personal computer or mobile device to print from wherever you are – to the printer at the Somerset Public Library, using Princh.

Click here for more information.

Laptop computer with a blank screen.


Laptops may be checked out for use inside the library only by people presenting a valid MORE library card.

Click here to view our Laptop Policy.

A T-Mobile Wifi Hotspot.

Mobile Hotspots

The library offers mobile WiFi hotspots for checkout to patrons 18 years of age or older presenting a valid MORE library card.

Click here to place a hold.

3d Printer web tile featuring children surrounding a 3D printer and holding filament.

Submit a Design to Print

Find a design and fill out our online form to use the library’s 3D Printer.  Create toys, tools, art, and more!

Click here to learn more.